And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” – Matthew 25:40

Find ways to live into our mission to Serve People with Christ below.

If you have questions or would like further assistance, please email and we’ll be in touch.

FUMC Bossier Youth Volunteer

Want a higher level of involvement with FUMC Bossier Youth? These volunteers step into the world of our 6th-12th graders to live life alongside and mentor them.

Contact: Sarah McCurley at

FUMC Bossier Kids Serve Team

Join alongside our Children’s Director, Elisa Hines, to help teach, lead, and mentor our K-5th graders.

Contact: Elisa Hines at

Helping Hands- Food Pantry

Help feed our surrounding community by volunteering Mondays-Thursdays 9-12 PM.

Contact: Kiersten Whelpley at

Welcoming Volunteer- Traditional

Help once a month for a 15-minute shift on a Sunday morning to greet worshipers as they enter our doors.

Contact: Linda DeLaune or Judy Alderman at

Welcoming Volunteer- Contemporary

Help once a month for a 15-minute shift on a Sunday morning to greet worshipers as they enter our doors.

Contact: Linda DeLaune or Judy Alderman at

Souper Saturday

Join a group that helps feed 70-100 people on the last Saturday of every month. Help by either preparing desserts ahead of time, make sandwiches and packing bags that morning, and/or delivering the packaged meals to about 10 recipients.

Contact: Erin Shirley at